Systems Neurology Laboratory
Department of Neurology
Ulm University

Patterns of synaptic loss in human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spinal cord: a clinicopathological study.
Aousji O, Feldengut S, Antonucci S, Schön M, Boeckers TM, Matschke J, Mawrin C, Ludolph AC, Del Tredici K, Roselli F, Braak H.
Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 Jul25; 11(1):120.
Shank2 identifies a subset of glycinergic neurons involved in altered nociception in an autism model.
Olde Heuvel F, Ouali Alami N, Aousji O, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Zahn PK, Wilhelm H, Deshpande D, Khatamsaz E, Catanese A, Woelfle S, Schön M, Grabrucker S, Ludolph AC, Verpelli C, Michaelis J, Boeckers TM, Roselli F.
Mol Autism. 2023 Jun14; 14(1):21
Loss of hypothalamic MCH decreases food intake in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Bolborea M, Vercruysse P, Daria T, Reiners JC, Ouali Alami N, Guillot SJ, Dieterlé S, Sinniger J, Scekic-Zahirovic J, Londo A, Arcay H, Goy MA, Nelson de Tapia C, Thal DR, Shibuya K, Otani R, Arai K, Kuwabara S, Ludolph AC, Roselli F, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Dupuis L.
Acta Neuropathol. 2023 Apr14; 146(6):773-791.
Metabolic alterations precede neurofilament changes in presymptomic ALS gene carriers
Dorst J, Weydt P, Brenner D, Witzel S, Kandler K, Huss A, Herrmann C, Wiesenfarth M, Knehr A, Günther K, Müller K, Weishaupt JH, Prudlo J, Forsberg K, Andersen PM, Rosenbohm A, Schuster J, Roselli F, Dupuis L, Mayer B, Tumani H, Kassubek J, Ludolph AC.
EBioMedicine. 2023 Mar12; 90:104521.
Integrative genetic analysis iluminates ALS heritability and identifies risk genes
Megat S, Mora N, Sanogo J, Roman O, Catanese A, Alami NO, Freischmidt A, Mingaj X, De Calbiac H, Muratet F, Dirrig-Grosch S, Dieterle S, Van Bakel N, Müller K, Sieverding K, Weishaupt J, Andersen PM, Weber M, Neuwirth C, Margelisch M, Sommacal A, Van Eijk KR, Veldink JH; Project Mine Als Sequencing Consortium; Lautrette G, Couratier P, Camuzat A, Le Ber I, Grassano M, Chio A, Boeckers T, Ludolph AC, Roselli F, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Millecamps S, Kabashi E, Storkebaum E, Sellier C, Dupuis L.
Nat Commun. 2023 Jan20; 14(1):342.
Interleukin-13 and its receptor are synaptic proteins involved in plasticity and neuroprotection
Li S, Olde Heuvel F, Rehman R, Aousji O, Froehlich A, Li Z, Jark R, Zhang W, Conquest A, Woelfle S, Schoen M, O Meara CC, Reinhardt RL, Voehringer D, Kassubek J, Ludolph A, Huber-Lang M, Knöll B, Morganti-Kossman MC, Brockmann MM, Boeckers T, Roselli F.
Nat Commun. 2023 Jan13; 14(1):200.
Neuronal nuclear calcium signaling suppression of microglial reactivity ismediated by osteoprotegerin after traumatic brain injury
Fröhlich A, Olde Heuvel F, Rehman R, Krishnamurthy SS, Li S, Li Z, Bayer D, Conquest A,Hagenston AM, Ludolph A, Huber-Lang M, Boeckers T, Knöll B, Morganti-Kossmann MC,Bading H, Roselli F.
J Neuroinflammation. 2022 Nov19;19(1):279.
Shank2/3 double knockout-basedscreening of cortical subregions links the retrosplenial area to the loss of social memory inautism spectrum disorders.
Garrido D, Beretta S, Grabrucker S, Bauer HF, Bayer D, Sala C, Verpelli C, Roselli F,Bockmann J, Proepper C, Catanese A, Boeckers TM.
Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Dec;13(12):4994-5006.
Neurochemical Monitoring of Traumatic Brain Injury by theCombined Analysis of Plasma Beta-Synuclein, NfL, and GFAP in Polytraumatized Patients.
Halbgebauer R, Halbgebauer S, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Weihe E, Schafer MK, Roselli F,Gebhard F, Huber-Lang M, Otto M.
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 25;23(17):9639.
Blood β-Synuclein and Neurofilament Light ChainDuring the Course of Prion Disease.
Halbgebauer S, Abu-Rumeileh S, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Roselli F, Wiesner D, Mammana A,Beekes M, Kortazar-Zubizarreta I, Perez de Nanclares G, Capellari S, Giese A, Castilla J,Ludolph AC, Žáková D, Parchi P, Otto M.
Neurology. 2022 Feb2:10.1212/WNL.0000000000200002.
Synaptic disruption and CREB-regulated transcription are restoredby K+ channel blockers in ALS.
Catanese A, Rajkumar S, Sommer D, Freisem D, Wirth A, Aly A, Massa-López D, Olivieri A,Torelli F, Ioannidis V, Lipecka J, Guerrera IC, Zytnicki D, Ludolph A, Kabashi E, Mulaw MA,Roselli F*, Böckers TM*.
EMBO Mol Med. 2021 Jul 7;13(7):e13131.
Cytoplasmic FUS triggers early behavioral alterations linked to cortical neuronal hyperactivity and inhibitory synaptic defects.
Scekic-Zahirovic J, Sanjuan-Ruiz I, Kan V, Megat S, De Rossi P, Dieterlé S, Cassel R, JametM, Kessler P, Wiesner D, Tzeplaeff L, Demais V, Sahadevan S, Hembach KM, Muller HP,Picchiarelli G, Mishra N, Antonucci S, Dirrig-Grosch S, Kassubek J, Rasche V, Ludolph A,Boutillier AL, Roselli F, Polymenidou M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Liebscher S, Dupuis L.
Nat Commun. 2021 May 21;12(1):3028.
Multiplexedchemogenetics in astrocytes and motoneurons restore blood-spinal cord barrier in ALS.
Ouali Alami N, Tang L, Wiesner D, Commisso B, Bayer D, Weishaupt J, Dupuis L, Wong P,Baumann B, Wirth T, Boeckers TM, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Ludolph A, Roselli F.
LifeSci Alliance. 2020 Sep 8;3(11):e201900571.
Effect of high-caloric nutrition on serum neurofilament light chain levels in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Dorst J, Schuster J, Dreyhaupt J, Witzel S, Weishaupt JH, Kassubek J, Weiland U, Petri S,Meyer T, Grehl T, Hermann A, Jordan B, Grosskreutz J, Zeller D, Boentert M, Schrank B,Prudlo J, Winkler AS, Gorbulev S, Roselli F, Dupuis L, Otto M, Ludolph AC.
JNeurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Sep;91(9):1007-1009.
Autism-associated SHANK3 mutations impairmaturation of neuromuscular junctions and striated muscles.
Lutz AK, Pfaender S, Incearap B, Ioannidis V, Ottonelli I, Föhr KJ, Cammerer J, Zoller M,Higelin J, Giona F, Stetter M, Stoecker N, Alami NO, Schön M, Orth M, Liebau S, Barbi G,Grabrucker AM, Delorme R, Fauler M, Mayer B, Jesse S, Roselli F, Ludolph AC, BourgeronT, Verpelli C, Demestre M, Boeckers TM.
Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jun10;12(547):eaaz3267.
Effect of High-Caloric Nutrition on Survival in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Ludolph AC, Dorst J, Dreyhaupt J, Weishaupt JH, Kassubek J, Weiland U, Meyer T, Petri S,Hermann A, Emmer A, Grosskreutz J, Grehl T, Zeller D, Boentert M, Schrank B, Prudlo J,Winkler AS, Gorbulev S, Roselli F, Schuster J, Dupuis L; LIPCAL-ALS Study Group.
Ann Neurol. 2020Feb;87(2):206-216.
Longitudinal diffusion tensormagnetic resonance imaging analysis at the cohort level reveals disturbed cortical and callosalmicrostructure with spared corticospinal tract in the TDP-43 (G298S) ALS mouse model.
Müller HP, Brenner D, Roselli F, Wiesner D, Abaei A, Gorges M, Danzer KM, Ludolph AC,Tsao W, Wong PC, Rasche V, Weishaupt JH, Kassubek J.
Transl Neurodegener. 2019 Aug 30;8:27.
STAT6 mediates the effect of ethanol on neuroinflammatory response inTBI.
Olde Heuvel F, Holl S, Chandrasekar A, Li Z, Wang Y, Rehman R, Förstner P,Sinske D, PalmerA, Wiesner D, Ludolph A, Huber-Lang M, Relja B, Wirth T, Röszer T, Baumann B, BoeckersT, Knöll B, Roselli F.
Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Oct;81:228-246.
NF-κB activation in astrocytes drives a stage-specific beneficial neuroimmunological response in ALS.
Ouali Alami N, Schurr C, Olde Heuvel F, Tang L, Li Q, Tasdogan A, Kimbara A, NettekovenM, Ottaviani G, Raposo C, Röver S, Rogers-Evans M, Rothenhäusler B, Ullmer C, Fingerle J,Grether U, Knuesel I, Boeckers TM, Ludolph A, Wirth T, *Roselli F, *Baumann B.
EMBO J. 2018 Aug 15;37(16).
The neuroprotective effectof ethanol intoxication in TBI is associated with the suppression of ErbB signaling in PV-positive interneurons.
Chandrasekar A, Olde Heuvel F, Wepler M, Rehman R, Palmer A, Catanese A, Linkus B,Ludolph A, Boeckers T, Huber-Lang M, Radermacher P, Roselli F.
J Neurotrauma. 2018 Nov 15;35(22):2718-2735.
Neuroprotective effect of acute ethanol intoxication in TBI is associated to the hierarchical modulation of early transcriptional responses.
Chandrasekar A, Aksan B, Heuvel FO, Förstner P, Sinske D, Rehman R, Palmer A, LudolphA, Huber-Lang M, Böckers T, Mauceri D, Knöll B, Roselli F.
Exp Neurol. 2018 Jan 4;302:34-45.
Neddylation inhibition impairs spine development, destabilizes synapses and deteriorates cognition.
Vogl AM, Brockmann MM, Giusti SA, Maccarrone G, Vercelli CA, Bauder CA, Richter JS, Roselli F, Hafner AS, Dedic N, Wotjak CT, Vogt-Weisenhorn DM, Choquet D, Turck CW, SteinV, Deussing JM, Refojo D.
Nat Neurosci. 2015 Feb;18(2):239-51