Systems Neurology Laboratory
Department of Neurology
Ulm University
Anterograde and retrograde
tracing of neuronal circuits
We have developed a consistent workflow (including stereotactic surgery, animal handling, optical imaging, connectivity reconstruction) for the application of viral and non-viral approaches for retrograde and anterograde circuit tracing at mesoscale or at cellular resolution from multiple cortical and subcortical locations. We have extended the current AAV-based toolset by introducing new AAV variants for retrograde tracing in vivo. These technologies have been made available to the broader neuroscience community in Ulm.

Retrograde connectivity mapping from antherior thalamic nuclei to sensory, hippocampal and prefrontal structures obtained by the new highly-retrograde SLR AAV variant.

Chemogenetic systems with
ortho-gonal pharmacology
The Roselli group developed extensive experience in the use of multiple chemogenetic toolsets, including the engineered ion channales with orthogonal pharmacology (PSAM/PSEM system, developed by Scott Sternson) for neuronal activity control and the designer GPCR system (DREADDs, developed by Brian Roth) for the control of signaling cascades. We have exploited these toolsets both in the context of neurons (activity control and signaling) as well as for signaling activation in non-neuronal populations (astrocytes chemogenetics). We have also established multiplexed neuro-glial chemogenetic approaches to simultaneous modulation of multiple cellular components in vivo.
Brain and spinal cord surgery
and viral injection
We have set up a multipurpose microsurgical setup with a high-spatial resolution stereotactic frame, dedicated gas anesthesia system and temperature monitoring. The setup is equipped with operative stereomicroscope, a microfluidic device for glass-capillary injection and two sets of dedicated holders. The members of the group have been extensively trained in brain injection procedures. The setup has been made available for collaborative sharing. We have established the surgical procedures for laminectomy, direct access to lumbar spinal cord, microcapillary intraspinal injection in mice down to 5 grams. Laminectomy and intraspinal injection is now performed by several members of the group.